Boxing Gifts at Home for Project Glimmer

Card that reads "We Believe in You" held over two brown cardboard boxes full of red organza bags from Project Glimmer.

Due to shelter-in-place orders, Project Glimmer was unable to host volunteers at their warehouse to bag gifts for Mother’s Day and graduation. Luckily there was an option to box gifts at home by ordering one of their Boxing Joy from Home kits from their website.

Project Glimmer is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to empowering girls. Project Glimmer’s mission is to inspire every girl to envision and realize her empowered future. Part of that mission is achieved with career coaching, and Empower Hour seminars, but the other way is by providing gifts for the holidays.

Oakland Uptown Rotary has participated in boxing joy events various times in the past, but this was our first time participating by boxing and bagging gifts at home.

Oakland Uptown Rotary members unboxing necklaces and earrings placing into organza bags for Project Glimmer project.
Oakland Uptown Rotary member Lise Pearlman and her daughter Jamie Benvenutti unboxing necklaces and bagging into organza bags.

The club members that participated were Will Klyver, Armando Cortes, Lise Pearlman, and Brandy Saldana. The team was also joined by a special guest Jaime Benvenutti, Lise Pearlman’s daughter. The best part about Boxing Joy from Home is the ability to involve family members and roommates. All participants were fully-vaccinated, but the service project took place outdoors as an added layer of precaution since this was the group’s first service project since being vaccinated.

Oakland Uptown Rotary members Will Klyver and Armando Cortes unboxing earrings and bagging into organza bags.

100 gifts are making an impact!

The process was pretty simple and involved removing items from their packaging to fit in red organza bags provided by Project Glimmer along with a note card that read “We Believe in You.” 100 red organza bags were filled with either earrings or jewelry and packaged in the original shipping box they came in. These gifts were shipped off to a partner of Project Glimmer’s located in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Oakland Uptown Rotary hopes that these gifts inspire and delight the young girls and women that receive them. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and congrats to the class of 2021!

If you are interested in Boxing Joy from Home, or volunteering in another way, visit Project Glimmer’s website and let us know if you end up volunteering too!

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